
Thursday, November 15, 2012

25 MORE Ideas for a Simpler, Greener, More Intentional Christmas

I really connected with Kelly from Imperfect Homemaking's post 75 Ideas for a Simpler, Greener, More Intentional Christmas.. After all, that is the exact focus of my blog. 

Living a simpler, more intentional, and green life
So I decided to add a few more things that we are planning to do this Christmas (on top of dozens listed on her list).

1. Have your kids decorate their own wrapping paper 
2. Take a little extra time to write out your Christmas greeting cards by hand - it's more personal
3. Listen to Christmas music for free on
4. Use last years decorations instead of buying new ones 
5. For every new toy your kids receive, teach them to donate an old toy to church or a thrift store. Or even better - donate the brand new one!
6. Remember the True Meaning of Christmas
7. Decorate with less snowmen, nutcrackers, and Santas and more nativity scenes
8. Use a shovel to clear your driveway instead of your snow plow - and enjoy the exercise!
9. Enjoy the ambiance of candle light
10. Ask your family not to buy any gifts - and if they insist ask if they'll donate it to your favorite charity or shelter
11. Do NOT go to Target!
12. Create a "Countdown to Christmas" paper link chain - and let your kids tear off (and recycle) one each morning
13. Drive to visit family... even the ones you don't care for
14. Decorate a house plant as your Christmas Tree
15. Knit or crotchet your own scarf and hat (and some for your kids!)
16. Take your spouse on surprise date... and go sledding!
17. Diffuse cinnamon and peppermint essential oils throughout the day
18. Sit by the window and watch the snow fall
19. Shovel your neighbors sidewalk
20. Share your favorite memories and Christmas traditions from your childhood
21. Have a Charlie Brown or felt Christmas Tree
22. Host a potluck with friends
23. Have a cookie decorating party
24. Fill stockings with healthy homemade snacks, new socks, and personal letter instead of pointless little toys and unnecessary candy
25. Read the Christmas story from the Bible before opening any presents on Christmas morning

Linking up with Simple Living Thursdays, Life As Mom, and the Barn Hop!

Thank you following along on our journey to simplicity & contentment. Please be sure to learn about our family, like our page on Facebook, and visit the right column to subscribe to future posts!


  1. The candles - love that! I have a thing for candlelight...

  2. I love the idea of having my DD decorate her own wrapping paper! That's so sweet!

  3. I love the idea to donate a toy each time you get a new one, what a great idea!

    1. and it keeps the house from becoming cluttered :)

  4. Great ideas on how to make winter holidays simpler and more about time spent with loves ones.

  5. My dad has read luke 2 ever year before presents since I was really little! It's a really cool tradition thathas become one of my favorite memories of holidays!

    Stephie N

  6. I love all of these ideas! Great how you included friends, family, spouse,etc into your ideas. Thanks for a great refresher on having a joyous year! Found you on Frugal Friday. I left a tip about old socks and muddy boots:)

  7. What wonderful ideas! I'm going to be making wrapping paper with my little one this week. He's only 15 months so I hope it goes ok! The grandparents will love it one way or another though right?

    1. they absolutely will.. even my 2.5 year old isn't coloring anything more than scribbles still but she loves it :) let me know how it goes!

  8. I love the idea of using Pandora to listen to Christmas music

    1. you avoid all the holiday shopping ads that way too!

  9. I really appreciated this post. I have read lots of things about the Holidays and sales, etc., but reading this made me feel all the sentiments I love about the Holidays - good food, good friends and family sharing memories!

  10. "Do NOT go to Target!" Oh my gosh, that made me laugh so hard! :)

    You're right, of course. Target is a bad, bad idea. I love making our own wrapping paper. When I was a kid, we'd wrap all the gifts in plain green or red paper and then decorate the outside with drawings and stickers. It was more fun than unwrapping them.

  11. I'm working on my Advent calendar list, looking for activities to celebrate the season. I'm going to, ahem, borrow some of yours because they're so perfect.

    Thanks for sharing at Motivation Monday!

  12. No snow yet in Chicago, but I love the idea of watching it fall. I will visit my aunts this Christmas, thanks for the idea.
