
Friday, November 30, 2012

Our First Advent

We never celebrated advent growing up.
The only people I knew who celebrated advent were Catholic. We were Baptist. So I always assumed it was a Catholic tradition.

But recently I learned what advent really is. It's about the anticipation, preparation, and recognition of Christ's first coming at Christmas. It isn't just about getting a piece of candy out of a box everyday, it's a time of readings and teachings to prepare us for His second coming.  This totally applies to us too!

Several of my fellow bloggers shared The Truth in the Tinsel with me.. It's an ebook designed for families with young kids.

Each day has story, scripture, lesson, and craft (ornament) planned to help your family focus on the advent season. Most of the crafts can be whipped up based on what supplies you already have (the crown ornament above was supposed to be decorated with plastic jewels or flat marbles.. we only had mini-pom poms but it works!)

I hope this will be a great opportunity for us to practice part of what (I envision) homeschooling will be like - having a devotional and craft to do each day with Evelyn (from now until Christmas!)... and all I had to do to prepare for it was print the ebook and gather supplies!

I might post some pictures of our crafts and a summary of our lessons once a week (more likely I'll probably post them on my Facebook page).

Do you have any special advent traditions? Are you doing Truth in the Tinsel with your young children?

Full Disclosure: If you buy Truth in the Tinsel through my affiliated link, then Amanda will throw a couple cents my way... maybe I'll end up getting my copy for free :) Okay, I'm not that popular.. but any discount rocks, so thanks! You will love it!

Thank you following along on our journey to simplicity & contentment. Please be sure to learn about our family, like our page on Facebook, and visit the right column to subscribe to future posts!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute. It's nice that you found a way to make Advent meaningful for your family. So much nicer than those cheesy Advent calendars with the chocolate candies that they sell in the stores.
